本公司持有有效私家服務(豪華房車)出租汽車許可證, 是政府許可的營辦商。We are a government authorized operators with valid Private Service (Limousine) Hire Car Permits.
Hong Kong Airport Transfer
豪華七人車Toyota Alphard
豪華房車Mercedes-Benz S Class
租車費用已包括所需燃油。Charge of petrol consumed is included in the rental fee.
等候客人時間為15分鐘,如超過等候時限,每15分鐘另加等候費HK$100。預定接待時間60分鐘後沒有出現,有機會視為失約,所收費用將不退回。Our waiting time is 15 minutes. If there is any late arrival as per agreed pickup time, overtime fee will be charged HKD$100 in every 15 minutes. Exceed 60 minutes will define as No-show and the paid amount is fully Non-Refundable.
如需多停其他地點,同區需每點另加服務費HK$100,其他區則面議。Extra HKD$100 will be charged for each extra stop en-route to destination, other regions will be negotiable.
如機場接送或到點服務於晚上11時至翌日早上6時前,每程需另加服務費HK$200。Extra HKD$200 per trip will be charged for Hong Kong Airport Transfer & Point-to-Point service between 23:00-06:00.
機場接送服務的收費已包括所需的橋費、隧道費及停車場費。Airport transfer service includes bridge, tunnel and parking fee that incurred during the trip.
如有任何惡劣天氣,例如黑色暴雨或懸掛颱風信號八號或以上時,將會額外收取每程HK$200的費用。An extra HKD$200 per trip will be imposed, if there is any bad weather such as black rainstorm or typhoon signal no.8 or above is hoisted.
安佳汽車有限公司及其供應商保留有關細則之最終決定權。Ankor Motors Limited and their contractors reserve the right to alter any terms and conditions without prior notice.
最少連續 3 小時租賃.A minimum of 3 hours consecutively rental is required.
租車費用已包括所需燃油。Charge of petrol consumed is included in the rental fee.
等候客人時間為15分鐘,如超過等候時限,每15分鐘另加等候費HK$100。預定接待時間60分鐘後沒有出現,有機會視為失約,所收費用將不退回。Our waiting time is 15 minutes. If there is any late arrival as per agreed pickup time, overtime fee will be charged HKD$100 in every 15 minutes. Exceed 60 minutes will define as No-show and the paid amount is fully Non-Refundable.
時租服務不包括橋費、隧道費及停車場費。Hourly rate service does NOT included the bridge, tunnel and parking fee.
時租服務於晚上11時至翌日早上6時前,每程需另加服務費HK$100。Extra HK$100 per hour will be charged for Hourly Rate Service between 23:00 - 06:00.
如有任何惡劣天氣,例如黑色暴雨或懸掛颱風信號八號或以上時,將會額外收取每程HK$200的費用。An extra HKD$200 per trip will be imposed, if there is any bad weather such as black rainstorm or typhoon signal no.8 or above is hoisted.
安佳汽車有限公司及其供應商保留有關細則之最終決定權。Ankor Motors Limited and their contractors reserve the right to alter any terms and conditions without prior notice.